New Assured Wealth Plan (Non-POS)

This Is An Individual, Non-linked, Non-participating, Savings, Life insurance plan.

First Assurance through Guaranteed Additions starting from the end 8th policy year, payable at maturity and second assurance through Lump sum Maturity Sum Assured over and above Guaranteed Additions, Provided all due premiums have been paid. The Guaranteed Additions are accumulated as a percentage of sum assured at a simple rate starting from the end of 8th policy year till the end of policy term, subject to payment of all due premiums. Guarantee is subject to payment of all due premium.

Dual assurance to reach your insurance goals faster with NEW ASSURED WEALTH PLAN (NON-POS VARIANT).
Guaranteed Additions + Guaranteed** Sum Assured on maturity.
Flexibility to choose policy term and premium payment term.
No medical examination up to the age of 53 years.